Working safely to ensure continuity of supply

These are difficult times, but please know that our distribution facility in Daventry is functioning normally and we’re doing all we can to support our customers and employees in this challenge.

We’re keeping our employees safe. This includes all of our administrative and sales staff working from home; banning all non-essential visitors to the site; observing social distancing rules and using safe working practices. We have added signage that reminds of us healthy habits, have hand gel available at all entry / exit points into the building and continuously cleaning and wiping down of surfaces.

We are fortunate that we have invested in our computer hardware, software and telephone systems enabling us to work remotely and still offer the exceptional level of customer service and next day deliveries. We would like to thank all of our suppliers that are still delivering our products and we have put contingency plans in place to ensure continuity of supply.

We have an amazing team at Mouldshop and we would like to thank our customers for the continued support and in return we will do everything in our power to get you the same high quality products; at a great price when and where you need them.

Stay at Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives.